Our primeurs 2023

Our team keeps a close eye on the latest news from the Grands Crus Classés de Bordeaux for the 2023 vintage.

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45 Wines

2023, a winemaker's vintage
The 2023 Bordeaux vintage for red and white wines has been described as good overall.

Bordeaux Red
In 2023, mildew management was no picnic for winegrowers. Unrestrained and repeated attacks by mildew required constant attention from June onwards. The warmer, drier-than-usual weather of August, accompanied by two saving rains in September, gave birth to a 2023 vintage of good quality, favoring Cabernets (Franc and Sauvignon) on the whole.

Bordeaux White
Dry, hot weather from mid-August to September 10 provided a favorable context for ripening the berries and creating favorable conditions for harvesting. The berries were harvested when fully ripe and healthy, ensuring a quality vintage.